Sunday 31 August 2008

Mp3 music: Midnight Movies

Midnight Movies

Artist: Midnight Movies: mp3 download




Midnight Movies's discography:

Midnight Movies

 Midnight Movies

   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 11

Midnight Movies formed in Los Angeles in 2002. Comprised of Gena Olivier (vocals, drums), Larry Schemel (guitar), and Jason Hammons (keyboards, guitar), the indie rock trinity cursorily crafted a dwight Lyman Moody and fashionable good. They became a major facial expression on the L.A. music scene inside a twelvemonth, and earned a nomination for Best New Artist at the L.A. Weekly Music Awards in May 2003. Just as their self-released six-song EP arrived, Midnight Movies received another nomination for Best Pop/Rock set in spring 2004. Midnight Movies' self-titled studio-length debut was released on Emperor Norton the following August. The group resurfaced in 2007 with Leo the Girl, which featured raw bassist Ryan Wood and drummer Sandra Vu, with Olivier treatment keyboard and vocal duties and move over by Steve Fisk.

Thursday 21 August 2008

Researchers Block Damage To Fetal Brain Following Maternal Alcohol Consumption - Sheep Study Holds Promise For Humans, But More Research Needed

�In a study on fetal alcoholic beverage syndrome, researchers were able to foreclose the hurt that alcoholic beverage causes to cells in a key area of the foetal brain by blocking acid sensitive atomic number 19 channels and preventing the acidic environs that alcohol produces. The cerebellum, the portion of the brainpower that is responsible for balance and muscle coordination, is particularly vulnerable to injury from alcohol during development.

The researchers also found that although alcohol lowers the amount of oxygen in the blood of the mother, it is not the deficiency of o that indemnification the fetal cerebellum, just the drop in pH.

The report with sheep, published in the August issue of the American Journal of Physiology, demonstrated that the damage throne be prevented by block acid sensitive potassium channels, known as TASK channels, that lead into the Purkinje cells. The study, "Acid Sensitive Channel Inhibition Prevents Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Loss," was carried out by Jayanth Ramadoss, Emilie R. Lunde, Nengtai Ouyang, Wei-Jung A. Chen and Timothy A. Cudd. The research was done at Texas A&M University.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition in which paternal drinking during pregnancy injures the brainiac of the developing fetus. Alcohol is the virtually common movement of trauma to the fetal brain. Children born with foetal alcohol syndrome may suffer cognitive impairments and difficulty regulating their behavior. They often have difficulty in school and exhibit behavioral problems, such as impulsiveness, later in life.

The syndrome is estimated to occur in approximately one in every 1,000 births in Western countries. Milder forms of the condition, known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, come more ofttimes.

Maternal imbibition lowers the blood pH of both the mother and the fetus, making the blood more acidulent. The researchers hypothesized that this acidity damages the Purkinje cells of the fetal cerebellum. Using 56 pregnant sheep, they induced the change in pH in some sheep victimization alcohol, patch in others they manipulated the extracellular pH. This approach allowed them to test their hypothesis that it was the light in pH that created the terms, not the alcohol, per se.

Alcohol produced a 45% reducing in Purkinje cells of the fetal cerebellum, spell the pH changes alone produced a 24% lessening. A expend in the number of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum is a measure of damage.

However, when the researchers used a drug, doxapram, to block the TASK channels leading into the Purkinje cells, they prevented the change in pH in the fetal cerebellar cells and prevented any reduction in the number of these cells.

"This study demonstrates that steer pharmacological blockade of TASK 1 and TASK 3 channels protects the well-nigh sensitive target of foetal alcohol photo, cerebellar Purkinje cells," the authors over.

Finding adds to growing body of work

This work complements influence by former researchers wHO have found success with supplements such as choline, a precursor for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. These supplements may act on the same mechanism that Dr. Cudd's research lab has been researching.

A fuller sound interview with Drs. Cudd and Ramadoss is available in Episode 12 of the APS podcast, Life Lines, at

Funding: The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Pediatrics Initiatives and the NIH National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Physiology is the study of how molecules, cells, tissues and organs